Create client configuration

A client configuration includes all organization specific configuration and all settings needed to connect to the correct environment for Posten signering.


SEID 2.0 enterprise certificates

If you have a SEID 2.0 enterprise certificate from Buypass, you need to use at least version 8.1.0 of the dotnet client library. If this is not possible, or you have a SEID 2.0 enterprise certificate from Commfides, you need to disable validation of the enterprise certificate when configuring your client. The certificate will always be validated on our server, so it will not impact the security of the request. The client side validation is only there to help identify errors early on.

const string organizationNumber = "123456789";

var clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration(
    return new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword),
    new Sender(organizationNumber)
    // This is only needed if you have a SEID 2.0 certificate, but for some reason cannot use the latest version of the library,
    // or if you have a SEID 2.0 certificate from Commfides
    CertificateValidationPreferences = { ValidateSenderCertificate = false }

If you stored the certificatePath and certificatePassword in the Secret Manager, you can read it like this:

var pathToSecrets = $"{System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME")}/.microsoft/usersecrets/enterprise-certificate/secrets.json";
_logger.LogDebug($"Reading certificate details from secrets file: {pathToSecrets}");

var fileExists = File.Exists(pathToSecrets);
if (!fileExists)
    _logger.LogDebug($"Did not find file at {pathToSecrets}");

var certificateConfig = File.ReadAllText(pathToSecrets);
var deserializeObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(certificateConfig);

deserializeObject.TryGetValue("Certificate:Path:Absolute", out var certificatePath);
deserializeObject.TryGetValue("Certificate:Password", out var certificatePassword);

_logger.LogDebug("Reading certificate from path found in secrets file: " + certificatePath);

return new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);

For integrations acting as brokers on behalf of multiple senders, you may specify the sender’s organization number on each signature job. The sender specified for a job will always take precedence over the globalSender in ClientConfiguration.


TLS 1.2 must be enabled to connect to Posten signering. If this is not the case, please set security protocol using the following statement: ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;. If the protocol is not enabled, please refer to the following Microsoft Documentation for enabling TLS 1.2.