Buy enterprise certificates

As a sending organization, you must authenticate with an enterprise certificate issued by Buypass or Commfides. You will need a test certificate and a production certificate. These must be in the RSA format.

Test environment

A test certificate must be used against our test environment. The test certificate will be used in the testing phase, and as soon as you are ready to go into production, you will have to replace it with a production certificate.


It is not possible to use a test certificate in production or the other way around.

A test certificate can be bought from Buypass, on either their Norwegian or English site.

When buying an enterprise certificate from Buypass, you will receive two emails. You should only use the certificate from the email that includes the private key. This is the email that contains two .p12 files. The two files have different serial numbers, and these refer to certificates used for authentication and encryption (autentisering og kryptering) and signature (signering). Only the certificate marked for authentication and encryption is applicable to use for integrating with the Posten signering API.

Production environment


Both the production enterprise certificate and the password must be stored securely. Do not under any circumstances send the file or the password to anyone.

A production certificate can be bought from Buypass, on either their Norwegian or English site. Please select Standard sertifikat/Standard Certificate.

When buying an enterprise certificate from Buypass, you will receive two emails. You should only use the certificate from the email that includes the private key. This is the email that contains two .p12 files. The two files have different serial numbers, and these refer to certificates used for authentication and encryption (autentisering og kryptering) and signature (signering). Only the certificate marked for authentication and encryption is applicable to use for integrating with the Posten signering API.